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The TTLM Podcast

Nov 17, 2020

On this episode is a No Time Records themed show! I picked up records from these California based label during the first Bandcamp Friday and haven't stopped since (maybe I missed one?) They got lots of tapes and lots of cool distro records too. 

No Time Records

Songs on this episode: 

1. Apathy Cycle - Premium Healthscare (Apathy Cycle) [0:16]
2. Kids on Fire - Follow Me (Songs in the Key of Bummer) [5:40]
3. Corrupt Vision - Get out your guns (split w/SiBANNÄC) [8:18]
4. Wacko - Ol Dirty Leech (demoRALIZATION) [10:31]
5. Jodie Faster - Grab & Go (Blame Yourself) [15:45]





YouTube: Taking the Lead Media